
First, we have to take into consideration the following points:

1- the Syrian government refused to make any accurate count of the number and causes of these crimes committed during the years. Only in the forum which was held recently been declared that there is (38) committed a crime during the past year.

2- figures and other data which we based mainly on the experience and the work of the Syrian women who work full voluntary work in extremely difficult conditions, and a large number of volunteers and volunteers who work are also continuing.
3-was a "declaration" on the perpetrator of this crime and moral reason to commit in the social sphere is an integral part of the crime. They are prima rily " Ghasl Aaar " that can not be achieved without the completion of the Declaration of murder. However, a small percentage of these crimes were committed in secret or unannounced in the middle of a very narrow.
4. these crimes are committee
for reasons related to the conduct of women to men. The reasons can be arranged according to our observation as follows:
A - marriage or the desire of women to marry a man not approved by the family (of a different religion or sect, the level of various economic or social ..).
B - suspicion of sexual behavior of women, whether married or unmarried. And for this reason that depends heavily on knowledge of the social arena of this behavior.
C - The desire disposal of the heir to the dead father's property. And the desire to seize the property of women or value their work

5 - the decision to commit this crime, in most crimes, by the men of a small family, including relatives, and they will be decided by who the crime will be done and who will be handed to the police for trial. The present financial bribery Council for the killer, as it believes appropriate relations to a speedy trial, covering all of money in the arrest.

6- There is often a long time to know the behavior of men and women on the commission of the crime, has been extended to more than a year in some cases. This depends on the nature of reason, and the effectiveness of decision makers, and the whereabouts of the woman, and arrangements for the implementation of crime.

7– in spite of the hard work on the mobilization of religious views on this issue, the Observatory is a clear and consistent concepts of human rights and citizenship in the fight against such crimes.

1- Increased first voted against such crimes, while the Observatory launched his campaign in September 2005, targeting:

1 - The volume of these crimes and their spread. It became clear that it ranges between 200 to 300 crime annually. Committed in all regions, with some differences, the followers of all religions and sects. It does not directly linked to the economic situation of families, and witnessed by the educational level. But mainly related to culture Assembly, the prevailing public understanding of the teachings of religions..

2 - the lifting of religious cover for such crimes through dialogue with the religious men (Muslim and Christian) and focus on a particular point of view is: "Did the religion support that it is the man on accounting across the killings?".
The campaign has been reasonably successful in this matter. It supported a significant number of the religious men with standing against these crimes, and supported the removal of any legal facilities for the perpetrators. A number of other the religious men supported this work focused on some reservations that the protection of morals important element in the fight against such crimes. While very few of them able to say that this murder was justified in religions,

The contribution of many important religious men in these debates had a Main point in making the issue of such crimes a social and not individual One.

3 - The demand of changing the law relating to protecting the perpetrators of Such crimes starting with the item 548 of the Syrian criminal law which Forms a clear protection, although those who get used of it are very rare, to Show the natures of these crimes and their effects. Then the item 192 of the Same law was o that most perpetrators could get used of it, but it is more Complicated.

4-work to keep the debate open permanently on the crimes, and not directly related to the occasion of murder or certain. , On the basis of that culture combined work need to be lengthy and time to practice can be changed, even after changing the laws in question.

5 - The Observatory that a "National Meeting on honor crimes"

6 - is a good principle for our work. It is official recognition of the problem, and an essential step for change in the law and the government's position on these crimes. Although there is strong opposition from several government agencies before the results of this Forum. And work to ensure that application.

To achieve the above mentioned goals, the observatory depended on:

1 – Perpetual field study in surveying these crimes and searching the real reasons for each and following that practically in different cities.

2 – Perpetual work with lawyers so that the circle of combating such crimes could be wider and wider in the logical arena which forms the first arena to protect the perpetrators logically.

3 – Perpetual work with religious men for the purpose of developing their attitudes in combating these crimes to reach a complete condemnation announced and added to their daily speech.

4 – Having a wide network of people and sides especially in the field of media to keep this issue under discussion all the year round, not just during occasions or upon committing the crime.
From the beginning of the campaign more than 300 articles and studies have Been published in different media (formal newspapers, magazines and websites, Most of them were published in more than one place).

5 - The demand to cancel item 548 of the Syrian criminal law, and stop (under the power of law) the use of the item 192 concerning “honor crimes “ and asking the Syrian government to have sympathy with the assignment on the international treaties especially CIDAW.

6 – Going on in gathering signs on the National Document against honor crimes (The number is 10254 people so far).

7 – A number of debates, directly with people, held by the observatory, or it urges them to be held and cooperate with them (14 debates have been held so far in different cities) 2 of them were broadcasted on Syrian T.V. and man

By: Bassam AlKadi, 1/6/2009, (The "honor Crimes" in Syria)

